We are busy - busy making contacts with businesses, organizations and individuals to "get the word out" about the Mid-Missouri Fisher House. Below are some of things we are doing!
Heart of America Marathon
Labor Day 2024: For the fourth year, we partnered with the Heart of America Marathon and Fun Relay by providing volunteer support. A special to our board members and volunteers from Rock Bridge High School and MU Air Force ROTC.
August 11, 2024: Members of our board attended the 2024 Military Appreciation Day at the Missouri State Fair sharing information about the Mid-Missouri Fisher House.
Heart of America Marathon
Labor Day 2023: For the third year, members of the board plus family members helped during the annual Heart of America Marathon held in Columbia MO.
Sunday August 13, 2023 was Military Appreciation Day at the Missouri State Fair. Members of the Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House and the St. Louis Fisher House shared an information tent. It was a good day as we were able to talk to a lot of people about Fisher House!
March 21, 2023: Gary Powell made a presentation to the Columbia Women's Club describing the Mid-Missouri Fisher House and the services that it will provide when it opens later this summer.
March 2, 2023: Terry Woodcock (our new House Manager) and Stephen Gaither (Board Chairman) made a presentation to the Fulton Kiwanis Club. Thanks for allowing us to tell you about the Mid-Missouri Fisher House!
November 7, 2022: Four special guests including Dave Coker, Fisher House Foundation President, visited the construction site of the Mid-Missouri Fisher House in Columbia this week. They also attended our board meeting. The project is on schedule for completion next spring, but you can still help us reach our Capital Fund Campaign goal with a donation.
September 8, 2022: One of our own board members, Rick Rice represented Truman VA Hospital and the Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House at the annual Air Show located in Camdenton Missouri. Great job!
September 5, 2022: What an AMAZING day volunteering for the Heart of America Marathon here in Columbia Missouri! We, Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House, had our friends along and directed traffic, got the tents set up and manned our support stations. We "rooted" for the runners, providing encouragement as we watch them through to the finish. Finally we helped break down the tents and clean up. Thanks to all who have supported us in serving Veterans and their families.
August 14, 2022: We spent the day at the Missouri State Fair Military Appreciation Day talking to people about the Mid-Missouri Fisher House which is now under construction on the campus of the Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital. Great time!!!
On April 20, 2022, we partnered with Truman VA Medical Center to share information about the Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House at the Chamber of Commerce Showcase CoMo. Our representatives included Bev Pottebaum-Semar, Richard Rice and Stephen Gaither (pictured). Heather Brown (also pictured), Truman VA’s Strategic Partnership Officer, was there sharing information about the Truman VA Hospital.
Rick Rice and Larry Long spent time at the Truman VA Hospital telling employees how they can donate to the Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House (CFC #41929) through the Combined Federal Campaign. Thank you Truman VA hospital for hosting our visit.
Thank you Sticky's Cabana for organizing and promoting the October 9, 2021 fundraiser in support of Mid-Missouri Fisher House!! Good music and Fried Chicken!!
Our board chairman L Stephen Gaither spent the day (September 18, 2021) telling people about the mid-Missouri Fisher House at the Smokefest 2021 in Hermann Missouri. Thank you Colleen Morgan, the owner of Hogsheads Smokeshop and Fine Tobacco for giving us this opportunity!
On August 19, 2021 we had a successful fundraiser with the Texas Roadhouse restaurants in Columbia and Jefferson City Missouri. Thanks to Texas Roadhouse and all of our generous supporters!
We set up our informational booth for Military Appreciation Day at the Missouri State Fair on August 15, 2021. We made a lot of new friends and contacts. Thank you veterans for your service!
Members of our board spent the day helping out with the Heart of America Marathon on Labor Day 2021.
We were honored to be asked to volunteer - Good times!
We were honored to be asked to volunteer - Good times!
Heart of America Marathon - 2020
We were honored to be able to help out during the 61st. annual Heart of America Marathon.
We were honored to be able to help out during the 61st. annual Heart of America Marathon.
Annual Trivia Night
The Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House sponsor an annual Trivia Night where teams compete for prizes. Items are also donated by our many supporters to be raffled off during the evening's Silent Auction.
Below are photos from our 2020 Trivia Night.
The Friends of Mid-Missouri Fisher House sponsor an annual Trivia Night where teams compete for prizes. Items are also donated by our many supporters to be raffled off during the evening's Silent Auction.
Below are photos from our 2020 Trivia Night.
(573) 723-1092 | P.O.Box 30681, Columbia, MO 65205-3681
House Address: 800 Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO 65201
House Phone: 573-814-6000 Extension 55460 or 55463
© 2020 Friends of Mid-Mo Fisher House. All Rights Reserved.
House Address: 800 Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO 65201
House Phone: 573-814-6000 Extension 55460 or 55463
© 2020 Friends of Mid-Mo Fisher House. All Rights Reserved.